How to Read Faster in CLAT and AILET

  • admin Anupam Dubey

The CLAT exam is more on reading and comprehending texts. In this passage, we will learn how to read faster and comprehend texts quickly.

  1. Stop subvocalization: the internal speech that occurs when reading, providing the sound of the word as it is read.

The habit of “hearing” words in our minds as we read them – subvocalization

  • Chewing gum
  • humming,
  • eating while you’re reading

2. Avoid “back tracking” - There is a tendency to skip our eyes back and forth to dwell on words we’ve just read, it’s kind of like a “visual stammering,” which slows us down.

One of the ways to break this regression habit is to be mindful of it when reading and jotting it down every time you notice yourself doing that

3. Point at the text : Another useful technique to break the backtracking habit is simply to use your fingers/Pen to point at the text to guide your reading.

Well, your fingers hopefully don’t skip backwards as often as your eyes!

4. Skim and scan intelligently : Skim through sections of the texts that don’t deliver valuable information for the purpose of your reading, as not every word is important when conveying an idea.

With practice you can train yourself to look over these unnecessary words and focus on the important stuff.

For instance, ‘The rabbit nibbled on his carrot.’

5. Use 4 - 3- 2 - 1 Method : The 4-3-2-1 speed reading drill is a technique that helps improve reading speed by practicing stretching and stabilizing reading muscles. Here's how to do the drill:

  1. Read a book for 4 minutes and mark where you start and finish.
  2. Re-read the same section in 3 minutes, allowing comprehension to drop.
  3. Re-read the same section in 2 minutes, using a finger as a visual pacer and skipping lines if needed.
  4. Read for 1 minute and record your words per minute (WPM).
  5. Read for about 2 minutes at your normal speed and calculate your progress.

I hope this helps a lot.


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